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7 October 2011
Try this spiced cabbage pilaf from N. Greece for your Thanksgiving table. Great for vegans and vegetarians, even as a main course!
7 November 2022
After visiting a mussel farmer off the coast of Thessaloniki, I fully understood the deliciousness of this otherwise common mollusk. Mussels are amazing! It’s no wonder this classic Northern Greek recipe for mussel pilaf is such an icon of Thessaloniki’s rich food history. And that history, in turn, is the very reason why Greece’s second largest city is its ...
29 August 2022
BULGUR 101 | Bulgur is believed to be one of the world’s first convenience foods. This grain is made from cracked wheat and has a nutty flavor. These hulled kernels are parboiled, dried, ground, and then packaged and sold labeled as bulgur wheat. Don’t confuse it with cracked wheat; bulgur has actually been parboiled. Bulgur is a whole food, ...
15 April 2022
TIP: Bulgur is great in salads, soups, pilafs, and even paired with meats. You can also use it as a substitute for rice or couscous in almost any recipe. As it’s a rich source of both fiber and phytonutrients, it may help improve your blood sugar control.
15 February 2022
WHITE VS BROWN RICE: RIce is one of the staples of the Mediterranean and is grown in various regions around the Mediterranean basin. Brown rice is a whole grain that contains the bran and germ, which provide fiber and several vitamins and minerals. White rice is a refined grain that has had these parts removed, making it softer, faster-cooking, ...
1 December 2021
FUN FACT:Quinoa is a very new ingredient in the Greek kitchen and has been embraced for its versatility, healthfulness and ease of use. Quinoa is a great addition to the diet of anyone who wants to cut back on meat. A single cup of cooked quinoa has around 8 grams of protein, which is roughly the same protein content ...
4 November 2021
A colorful wild rice pilaf dish, with plenty of flavors and fragrances! Feel free to enjoy it not only during the holiday season, but year-round just as well!
31 December 2020
Orzo, called kritharaki in Greece, is the stuff of comfort food and often baked with tomatoey chicken and/or lamb. This Greek recipe for orzo pilaf is a vegetarian’s dream, packed with healthful vegetables and a great example of green Mediterranean diet cooking. The halloumi cheese adds a special twist.
4 July 2020
There are many traditional Greek recipes for vegetables and rice as a main course. This simple Greek recipe, made with eggplant and seasoned with fresh herbs, makes a delicious vegetarian main course, but can easily be served as a Greek meze and as a side dish to simple grilled or pan-seared meat or fish. Extra virgin Greek olive oil ...
13 October 2019
This Greek recipe for lentil-rice pilaf comes from Halki, an island in the southern Dodecanese. The combination of legumes, especially lentils, and pasta or rice is very popular int his part of Greece. There are dozens of slightly different versions of this dish, with rice, bulgur, and fresh and dried pasta.